InPitfallbySmillew RahcuefI Don’t Want To Scare You, but the Asteroid Named 2024 YR4 May Kill Us All in 2032 (Shall We Do…An important update for humanityFeb 2036Feb 2036
InNot the Median LogbySmillew RahcuefFive Mistakes Aspiring Opinion Havers MakeI have had strong opinions for 30+ years and shared too many to countFeb 817Feb 817
InThe PubbySmillew RahcuefWhat I Meant When I Said I Wrote for LoveI trust this will clear things upFeb 550Feb 550
InThe PubbySmillew RahcuefOn the End of a CommunityThe best you can do is be grateful for the good timesJan 3146Jan 3146
InDoctor FunnybySmillew RahcuefNewsflash: I AM That SpecialIt’s so BORING that I have to write about it. It should be obvious to all.Feb 11, 202439Feb 11, 202439
InThe PubbySmillew RahcuefHow To Use ChatGPT To Extend the Reading Time of Your Articles [100% Legit]The new bandwagon you can jump on to make more money — it’s slightly unethical, but who cares? You are an online writer. Aren’t you?Jan 977Jan 977
InAll About SomethingbyGrandma SmillewIf People Wanted To Read the Medium Blog, They Would Read the Medium Blog.Long title but short articleDec 21, 202425Dec 21, 202425
InDoctor FunnybySmillew RahcuefOne (Classical) Problem Faced By Highly Intelligent PeopleLife isn’t as easy as it seems for the highly giftedNov 3, 202450Nov 3, 202450
InMuddyUmbySmillew RahcuefKnow Your Obligations When You’re Friends With A WriterDon’t worry — you won’t have to read everything they writeDec 7, 202419Dec 7, 202419
InThe PubbySmillew RahcuefIt’s Decided — I Will Try Airplane Yoga in 2024“A life without challenges is a life not lived.” — Oscar WilderAug 10, 202428Aug 10, 202428
InCareer PathsbySmillew RahcuefAre You All Losers Part of the Expert Economy Yet?If not, you shouldAug 29, 202425Aug 29, 202425
InDead or AlivebyGrandma SmillewDead Or Alive (15 March 2023–13 June 2024)The endJun 13, 202431Jun 13, 202431
InMuddyUmbyGrandma Smillew4 Programming Languages Every Grandma Should LearnI’m a grandma, a pink belt in social media marketing, and have been programming in Quick Basic since 1985 — I’m something of an expertNov 20, 20237Nov 20, 20237
InDoctor FunnybySmillew RahcuefGrammarly Banned Me 2. You Could Be NextA warning to someone somewhere sometimes, somethingMay 12, 202458May 12, 202458
InAll About SomethingbySmillew RahcuefMedium Is a “For-Profit” Not a “For-Writer”In other words, the boost is unfair and will remain that wayJul 27, 202448Jul 27, 202448
InMuddyUmbyGrandma SmillewWould You Like To Buy My Grandson’s Course About Nothing?Use my GRANDMA DISCOUNT to get a better dealNov 27, 202313Nov 27, 202313
InMuddyUmbySmillew RahcuefWould You Like to Buy My Course on Nothing?It can help you get much better at nothingAug 26, 20219Aug 26, 20219
InPitfallbySmillew RahcuefThe Number One Rule to Follow When Writing HeadlinesShould more people do it?Feb 3, 202433Feb 3, 202433
InThe PubbySmillew RahcuefMaking Money on Twitter Is Easy (If Your Name Is MrBeast)Making $1 on X is easy. Making a lot of money is hard (very hard)Jan 31, 202434Jan 31, 202434