Holly J See - editor fairy

Sep 9, 2024

61 stories

🦜Outlaw’s Guide to MuddyUm

This list contains the articles hyperlinked in MuddyUm's index story, below. You may wish to SKIM the index story before accessing these links; they're in the same order.
Cap'n Susan's instructions on how to join The Good Ship MuddyUm.
A MuddyUm advertisement & advice from Nanci, who weighs in on what sets MuddyUm apart.
NEWBIE ONBOARDING. All you need to know before submitting your first Muddy funny.
MuddyUm's formatting guidelines.
Valuable info for Outlaws and new Mudditors (MuddyUm editors) alike.
Cap'n Susan kicks off kickers.
KICKERS. Rachael kicks things up a notch.
TITLES AND SUBTITLES — just like the title says! A simple how-to.
The title and subtitle at the top of your story *may not* be what the world sees.
IMAGES. Cap'n Susan's must-read advice on attracting eyes to your story.
What's the difference between attribution and a caption? Find out here.
A click-pic origin story of extreme kickyness. Click heaven? With one Dick pic.
Guest editor Maryan demystifies alt text. Seriously! Help readers find your stories.

Holly J See - editor fairy

Holly J See - editor fairy

Autodidact, MuddyUm coeditor, 5-letter word fan; achieved a 💯 64ordle score last July 4! Former editor at a national healthcare consulting firm. 🐩🐕