Holly J See - editor fairy

Mar 17, 2023

31 stories

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☠️Mudditor Meeting Notes @seethings99

1. Index story. Included here because we're living in a Möbius strip.
IRL I joined our 3/13/23 Mudditor meeting late, missing the laughter & riffing described herein. Thanks for letting me in on the secret & including me anyway, Stephanie. Did you know, "Sunshine gained the most popularity as a baby name in 1974, when its usage went up by 220.08%. During this year, 255 babies were named Sunshine, which was 0.0086% of baby girls born in the USA that year."?
Andrew refers to a meeting herein--must've been either 6/13 or 6/20/22.
6/7/2022 meeting notes from BOF - 1 of 2
12/13/2021 meeting notes from Amy - 1 of 2
12/6/2021 meeting notes from Rachael - 1 of 2
11/15/21 meeting notes from Holly: a funeral for our Zoom-A-Thon—1 of 2
Holly J See - editor fairy

Holly J See - editor fairy

Autodidact, MuddyUm coeditor, 5-letter word fan; achieved a 💯 64ordle score last July 4! Former editor at a national healthcare consulting firm. 🐩🐕