InMuddyUmbyJennifer HaubrichThe New York Times Games Editor Schedules Your DayBetter get puzzling, you have a lot to do!Jul 3, 202437Jul 3, 202437
InMuddyUmbyJean CampbellLady Does Wordle Too EarlyShe wasn’t quite awake, and now the remorse has set inApr 9, 20221Apr 9, 20221
InTDS ArchivebybarrysmythWhat I Learned from Playing More than a Million Games of WordleCaution! This post contains some Wordle spoilersJan 20, 202212Jan 20, 202212
InTDS ArchivebybarrysmythPeak Wordle & Word DifficultyWhat an analysis of 7 million Wordle games tells us about word difficulty in light of recent adjustments by the New York TimesFeb 17, 20223Feb 17, 20223
Owen YinHere Lies Wordle: 2021–2027 (Full Answer List)Wordle has a few secrets: One, it’ll end on October 20 2027. Two, the answers to all 2,315 puzzles are already in your browser.Jan 17, 202260Jan 17, 202260
InCellar DoorbyJack ShepherdWhat Your Wordle Starter Word Says About YouYou can learn everything you need to know about a person based on how they start a WordleMar 8, 202272Mar 8, 202272
l.a. socol7 Facts You Don’t Know About WordleAt this point, most of us have played or at least heard of the game “Wordle”. The popular word game, which was released in the end of 2021…Mar 16, 20224Mar 16, 20224
InMuddyUmbyTom NavratilApparently, I’m the Last Person Still Playing WordleIt’s still just as fun without youFeb 24, 202225Feb 24, 202225
InMuddyUmbyMelissa BalickThe Only Wordle You Need Is the Wordle of the LordleYou’re boredle and smartle, but get right with GodleFeb 3, 202214Feb 3, 202214
InMuddyUmbyAndrew RodwinCDC Declares Wordle a Pandemic, Variants Coming to a URL Near You!Hmmm, shift the “P” left, make it plural, and try a diphthong?Jan 19, 20222Jan 19, 20222
InMuddyUmbyHolly J See - editor fairyAn Addict Explains 50 Ways to Leave OctordleA parody of ’50 Ways to Leave Your Lover’Jul 7, 20223Jul 7, 20223
InMuddyUmbyHolly J See - editor fairyBorne 2 Be While — Beget Your Motor Runnin’A Wordle-salad parody of ‘Born to Be Wild’ by SteppenwolfJul 10, 20221Jul 10, 20221
InMuddyUmbyHolly J See - editor fairyWhile Thing! I Think I Lover YouA Wordle-salad parody of ‘Wild Thing’ by The TroggsJul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
InMuddyUmbyHolly J See - editor fairyLet’s Golf to the Alpha Bravo TangoA mashup of ‘The Masochism Tango’ and the NATO phonetic alphabetOct 22, 2023Oct 22, 2023
InMuddyUmbyHolly J See - editor fairyThe First Novel of Moses, Titled ‘Origin’Semireligious poesy for Dedicants of the Church of WordleMar 29, 20233Mar 29, 20233
InMuddyUmbyHolly J See - editor fairyA Big Bang Theory Song Parody in 5-Letter WordyStarting with a great clang? large twang? giant soundAug 18, 20222Aug 18, 20222
InILLUMINATIONbyKatie ChurchwardThe Newest (and Most Difficult) Word Guessing GameIf you are a Wordle champ I challenge you to complete this puzzleMar 29, 20221Mar 29, 20221
InThe HavenbySimon BlackCrisis At New York Times — Wordle Is Running Out Of Five-Letter WordsPlans switch to four letter word format in near futureNov 20, 20221Nov 20, 20221
InGeek CulturebyMark Shrime, MD, PhDThe best Wordle opener is ORATEAnd here’s whyJan 20, 20225Jan 20, 20225