Holly J See - editor fairy

Dec 13, 2023

13 stories

🌬️Blowing Off Steam @seethings99

I rarely write topically. However, I feel strongly that actors are NOT a higher level of human being that always, always must and can think before they act.
Hope I'll never again have to experience grocery shopping at the stress level afforded early on in the pandemic. Normally, I find it somewhat meditative.
Dr. Seuss! What a genius. I'd love to write another Dr. Seuss parody.
3 of 3. Enough already. I think I'm over this, finally. Grrrr.
One can always hope. But best not to invest in an outcome.
Written to relieve my feelings after I lost my first husband.
Holly J See - editor fairy

Holly J See - editor fairy

Autodidact, MuddyUm coeditor, 5-letter word fan; achieved a 💯 64ordle score last July 4! Former editor at a national healthcare consulting firm. 🐩🐕